How Outlier helps Haptik grow their business
Outlier helps companies grow faster by finding hidden growth opportunities and problems hiding in their data. One example is Haptik, one of the world’s largest chatbot companies, which uses Outlier to analyze their vast databases of user behavior.
Haptik is one of the world’s largest chatbot platforms, building applications for consumers, publishers, and enterprises. The company has been at the forefront of the paradigm shift from apps to bots, having worked across various chatbot use cases such as commerce, customer service, utility and lead generation.
Given their large, diverse user-base and the volume and diversity of requests Haptik receives, it is imperative to know when their user behavior changes. In just a few clicks, Haptik integrated their SQL databases into Outlier to analyze the actions their customers take.
“With so many users, and so many actions, it is impossible for us to track each one individually.” says Aakrit Vaish, CEO of Haptik. “The insights Outlier has found are critical to our business, helping us take action to solve problems and adjust to new opportunities. Outlier is a crucial part of our team’s workflow; we rely on it to automatically tell us when customer behavior changes.”
Here’s one example of the insights Outlier has found for Haptik and what it meant for their business:
When there is money involved, nefarious users will look for opportunities to beat the system. By reporting an anomalous low in one of their metrics, Outlier detected fraudulent activity and helped Haptik figure out where users have incentive to manipulate the system. Haptik quickly took action to shore-up their product thanks to Outlier’s help.
“Outlier has detected a number of changes in our users’ behavior, ranging from fraud, to bouncing users, to differences between recurring and one-time transactions. Outlier makes my team’s job easier by telling us where to spend my time analyzing our data each day.” says, Manish Goyal, Business Intelligence Team Lead at Haptik.